Plug into prayer

the power of prayer

Come Plug Into Prayer with us!  The power of prayer should not be underestimated. The power of prayer is not the result of the person praying.  Rather, the power resides in God, to whom we are praying.


We understand that some prayers might require a personal conversation with a Pastor or maybe you wish to have a hospital or home visit.  Please contact the church office.

To put in a prayer request on the confidential Prayer Chain and/or have your prayer in our weekly Connector, see below.

let us pray for you

prayer requests

Personal prayers from the congregation are received via our Plug Into Prayer Centers and through our online prayer request form.  Your prayer will be added to THE CONNECTOR under Weekly Prayer Requests for three weeks, at which time you are welcome to update or resubmit the prayer. 

THE CONNECTOR is available for pick up at either of the two Prayer Centers located outside each door to the sanctuary or handed out by the ushers before Sunday services.

If your prayer is time sensitive or confidential, please choose the PRAYER CHAIN option. These prayers will be held in confidence among those on the Prayer Chain and distributed as soon as received. They will not be published in THE CONNECTOR unless you indicate you would like them listed there.